Friday, 27 May 2016

Come walk with me beneath the woodland canopy....

where satyrs roam and run barefoot....


and secret bluebells grow....
(except something kind of trampled them - maybe a mini bulldozer....or the rain)

next to the nymphs playing in the sun dappled pool....

and white blossoms flew in the wind....
I have more old romantic lines of blank verse but I think that's enough for one post!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

May Fair

Is it only my town that thinks it is a good idea to put plastic ducks in a river and cheer them on or is this a nationwide thing? The most a duck has ever won us is a fiver. That couldn't even buy you candyfloss. Maybe you could, I don't know, bet on another duck! Yay.

We have a May Fair every year. There are stalls from local shops and organizations, the kids get free range with a load of sports equipment, local singers do their thing in a ring at the centre, there's a man using a chainsaw to turn a piece of wood into a hare (that was a first for this year!) and the piece de resistance (say in French accent)....the dog show. This dog show lasts FOREVER. There are more categories then you would think possible.

I couldn't get any closer to take a photo of the ducks and I was trying to crop out the random cadets pushing the stray ducks down the river, so I apologize for the bad photos!

Post soon, Millie x