Friday, 2 September 2016

Blackberry picking

I realise there a no actual pictures of blackberries, but I forgot to take any pictures until after we had striped the hedges of the gorgeous, plump, blackberries. My bad.

Maybe I should have just called this photo post something standard like September or Apples since that is what most of the photos are of.

But they aren't particularly romantic, imaginative titles.

Now I sound like Anne of Green Gables. Probably a result of listening to it on YouTube too much whilst typing. Not that I'm listening to it now. Oh no, not me. I'm completely professional whilst I'm blogging. Totally not fangirling over Gilbert Blythe right now.
No one really uses romantic in descriptive terms nowadays. Shame really.
Just popped this last picture in to show I didn't make the blackberries up!

Thursday, 1 September 2016


I have spent the weekend at the second fastest selling festival in the UK this weekend with my family and had so much fun! Here are some of the best bits from CarFest -

Even though at the beginning I wasn't too sure about some of the bands playing, the majority of the music was amazing! Some bands were still Meh (*cough, cough* The Darkness) but even their lighting was cool, so I could appreciate that bit of it.

I went on the merry-go-round riding a horse called Rosset!
Don't judge, you know I'm just a 5 year old stuck in a 14 year olds body.

I don't know who's van this is or anything, I wasn't looking at the whole van, funnily enough.
Just inside the bonnet. It has the Avengers inside it. The Avengers! I want one.

Whilst on the subject of Avengers, I spotted this little Captain America watch and whilst I'm not too keen on Captain (Phil Colsen, Trading cards, etc.) he does have a cool shield.

My face paint choice was, three silver dots at the corner of my eyes and blue glitter on my
eyelids. I had my eyes like this when I met Karen and Kevin Clifton! Love them.
The Clifton's not the glitter. Though I love glitter as well....
In the Honda tent. Very useful place. Any place is useful if they give away free sunglasses to be honest. Even if they do say I love Honda on them.... nothing a little bit of electrical tape can't fix and volia, a pair of fake RayBans! Sorry Honda.

It was my birthday recently, see Officially 14, and I was given an ipod touch by my parents
(squee). I have been messing around with photo editing apps and such like and I made this
with a photo of Will Young I took this weekend. Read that - Will Young THIS WEEKEND.
I saw Will Young play! *massive girly squeal*, and I don't girly squeal for just anyone.

Loads more amazing memories happened (Including riding in a SunBeam Tiger - I REALLY want one -) but it won't all go up on my blog.

And the best part? It's all for Children In Need.

(James Morrison was on the stage when I took this picture but I was really saying "I love the stage the atmosphere, CarFest" not "I love James Morrison". Sorry dude.
You are awesome though.)