Thursday 3 March 2016

Around the world and back in time for tea

I made this shift with my Ganga and honestly I have had sooo many lovely comments every single time I have worn it out! The first time I was at a pannier market with my friend just casually admiring some candles called something about dragons (??) and then the ladies running the stall were like “where did you get your dress?”

“I made it”


And yah. It kinda spiralled, with a conversation about bowler hats and that pink ladies ad (they assured me they couldn’t do that even though I didn’t ask), I also vaguely remember something about fairy dust, I don’t know maybe they were selling some!

I got the material when I was looking for something to make my curtains out of, so it is actually curtain material! We kinda bought it not knowing what to do with it, just cause the pattern was awesome, but then this came around and I love it! So yah thanks to anyone who said it was cool!
Looks cute with tights, boots and a denim jacket or I love wearing it with a sporty vibe, like “Yeah, I could bring out my tennis racket any moment”! I’ve never tried playing tennis in this dress, but I am pretty sure it wouldn’t be very practical…. Wear with bare legs and sneakers in a bright colour and a sweatshirt tied around your middle. X


  1. Hey I have re-posted your 10 things now it's my turn!! Bye

  2. I love your dress!
