Monday 28 March 2016

Easter and Excuses

So. Let's start with Happy Easter and move onto my excuses for not blogging *wince*.

1. My whole family had flu and all I did for 2 weeks was sit on the sofa watching Next Step re-runs and eating yogurt. I had forgotten how amazing Muller fruit corners are.

2. Straight after the flu I had to dance every Friday, Saturday, Sunday for three weeks and slept the weekdays. No kidding.

Am I forgiven? Probably not but I tried....

So, did you have a good Easter?

I got a very adorable toy rabbit and some chocolate!!
I now have the difficult job of naming the bunny....Here are the names my friend and I came up with - it's a girl by the way -,

1. Beatrice


2. Hero

and if it was a guy we decided it would be called either,

1. Edward Watson


2. Kenneth

but it looks like a girl so I think Beatrice is the best option!!

Did anyone guess what 3 of those names mean? The Much Ado about Nothing theme?!!

Anyway I will post soon and get back to regular blogging providing I don't get ill again....

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