Monday, 2 November 2015

Magnus Chase - Pro's and Con's + Trials of Apollo

Yes I know I'm late.... Sorry.... But Rick Riordan has a new book out (yee!!) Magnus Chase and the The Gods of Asgard Book 1: The Sword of Summer. I only got it last week and have been glued to it since to get it finished, but then I was too busy to write this review. But anyway here it is, finally.

Contains some spoilers (however small), so if you haven't read it yet (and are even later then me!)
then you might want to shut this page now. Just warning you.

I will now read through it properly and slowly and probably find tons of stuff that's vital to the story but I missed the first time! I do that kinda thing. I skim read it as quick as I can 'cause I need to know what happens and then I go back and -most of the time- find at least 5 hilarious/useful/generally awesome paragraphs I missed! At least that's what happened with his other books. Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure if that will happen this time, cause I found it stop started in coolness.
That doesn't make sense does it! I guess what I mean is that I did like the Sword of Summer (don't get me wrong on that) it's just that I felt it didn't flow properly.I was expecting it to be as good as Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus and it wasn't, so I was disappointed.

I was also expecting to like Sam more, for her to be the next Annabeth and be all awesome and funny and she was, but more in a kinda action girl way.
    My favourite characters defiantly include Hearthstone, TG, Mallory, Blitzen, Magnus and of course Annabeth! I really liked how Magnus was a hero but not in a complete Action, swords, fight fight fight kind of way.

One more thing; I really wish that we could have read the conversation between Annabeth and Magnus at the end! Would have been so funny!

So over all it was cool, not quite awesome but I would definitely recommend. 

But on a even more exciting note, there is a new book set in the Percy Jackson world coming out next May!! I’m not giving spoilers, mainly ‘cause I don’t know any *awkward pause*.
    Though I do know this; it’s about Apollo, Zeus is sending him down to Camp Half Blood as a human and this series (yes, I know series!!) is about Apollo trying to regain his godliness!

There have also been a bucket load of hints about a few “well-known” characters making an appearance- I’m crossing my fingers for Leo to be one of those characters!
    Did anyone else nearly spontaneously combust with excitement when they heard this news??!! Please say yes, otherwise I just made myself sound seriously sad!!

Once again, sorry, I know most of this is old news, but I thought better late then never, hey?

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