Saturday 20 February 2016

The best movies to watch by yourself (according to me)

You know when you are at home alone except for your older brother and that doesn't count because he is upstairs working? So the only logical thing to do is watch movies, obviously. Here are the movies I like to watch by myself:

1. Breakfast at Tiffany's
Or anything Audrey Hepburn related really.

2. Jane Austen films
What I mean by this is movies based on Jane Austen's books, not like she is the director or anything.... Pride and Prejudice and Emma are two of my favourites.

3. Harry Potter
Uhem, obvious....

4. Star Wars
Really? I wouldn't have ever guessed....for goodness sake I have a Star Wars label on my blog!!

5. The hobbit/Lord of the rings
Any of the six films, I don't really mind.

6. We bought a Zoo
This is just insanely cute and funny and adorable and basically one of the best films ever....

7. Any full length ballet
'cause no one apart from me ever wants to watch them, so perfect opportunity!

What do you watch when you are by yourself? See you tomorrow for the last half-term post, noo....x

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