Sunday 28 February 2016

10 random bits of my life this fortnight

Hi. Well. I am not going to be like one of those people who are all like "Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry I haven't posted, I feel awful, but I have just been so so busy, excuse, excuse....", because that just gets boring after a while. Actually I am very guilty of doing that when I forgot to post everyday in advent for Christmas 2015. But whatever. I am just going to say that I actually have nothing interesting to post except some random thoughts/reviews/life stuff that I have scribbled down or thought of over the past few days, with some equally mundane pictures. So I made it into a 10 things post. Congratulations in advance if you manage to read this all word for word.

1. I watched the ballet A Winters Tale a few days ago. Christopher Weeldon's choreography is always interesting and I love the whole classical feeling in Act 2, but not classical if you get what I mean. More contemporary with flexed feet in random places. Very technical terminology that!
Plus Edward Watson and Lauren Cuthbertson dance amazingly together, they create such feeling.

2. We were walking the other day when, surprise! We found a dead log that someone had painted....

3. Thoughts about - Cheerleader by Pentatonix

1. I never really liked the original of this song by OMI but with Pentatonix's fresh new take I love it!

2. The setting for the music video is awesome with just the right sort of vibe for the band and the song - Fresh, cute, funky taken old school.

3. Oh and one last thing I just HAVE to say: Kevin is literally a one-man band, I swear.

Here is a link to the video, please watch, these guys are awesome.
All views and opinions are my own, I really do think Pentatonix are awesome.

4. I have posted pictures of this coffee shop before at Christmas and again here so I am giving it it's very own label the hot chocolate shop!


5. A dragon doodle. But isn't it cute?!

6.  I took this when I was out with Jess and she was like so embarrassed I was taking pictures of rooftops, like "I don't know this person"!! *Sorry Jess*!!
7. Thanks to Duolingo I can now say in French - I am a snake! Hmm can't think of any situation where I would need to say that? Unless I was like an evil villain, mwah ha ha I am sneaky, I am a snake, Je suis un serpent!! Please do not analyse my stupid train of thought....
8. Cupcakes! My lil sister made these.
Things you should say to your cupcake before eating it according to the wisdom of a 9 year old:

1. What's your name?

2. Do you want to be eaten?

3. Tough luck, I need some sugar

Ok I added that last one.

9. These are a few pictures from that family day out that I mentioned. I haven't got round to editing the others yet, but should do soon.
10. Why is the 10th thing always the hardest to think of? I will just finish with an old photo that 11 year old me took for this post and I felt needed a 2nd chance x

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