Friday 29 April 2016

10 things on my notice board

You can tell a lot about a person from what they pin on their notice board. At least that is true for me.

1. A 6 year old grass rose made and dipped into a hot spring for me by a lady at a Maori village in New Zealand when I was 8.

2. A ticket to see Much Ado about Nothing at the Minack theatre last summer.

3. Various doodles of Pride and Prejudice characters and Despondent guys >>

4. A photo of a friend and I on a one day surfing course for my 12th birthday.

5. A card that says "Be HAPPY it drives people CRAZY".

6. A letter for a course with Birmingham Royal Ballet.

7. Tickets to Harry Potter world.

8. A cross given to me by my grandparents for my confirmation.

9. A list of names of people who contributed to stopping elephant poaching.

10. A big A4 photo of my family from about 4 years ago.

So what does that say about me? I'm not sure I want to know! What is on your notice board?
Millie x

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    Notice board
