Saturday, 30 January 2016

Cheesy straws - Salsa optional....

These are the cutest lil snack and insanely simple! x

You need:

Cheese Straws
Left over puff pastry
Seeds op.
Olives op.
Lemon juice

How to:
Next time you're making something with puff pastry save the leftovers. Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangle, then cut slices about an inch thick. Put on a tray and sprinkle with cheese and any other topping you like. Cook for about 15 mins at 180 or until they go nice and golden brown.
    Serve with humus or salsa. Salsa is really easy to make, just chop up some tomatoes, add basil, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Simples.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Fridge cake Fridays

Hi. Ahh fridge cake....
So simple to make + there is hardly any waiting time! Happy Millie.
You can chuck in any extra left over bits of chocolate from Christmas as well!
1. Just melt some butter, chocolate, golden syryp and those left over chocolates in a pan on the hob.
2. Put some digestive biscuits in a bag, seal it, then smash the biscuits with a rolling pin.
3. Mix the biscuits into the melted stuff, adding little bit by little bit until the mixture goes all thick and crunchy.
4. Pour into a tin and put in the fridge or freezer to set.
Dadah!! I did all the quantity's by eye, so just experiment adding different chocolate or marshmallows or even crunchie bars! x

Thursday, 28 January 2016

I don't ever want to grow up. Shawn Mendes.

So some of you may have noticed that lil' Birdy quote/post thing I did a few weeks ago. It was just a spur of the moment idea that I wanted to share but actually I have had a surprising number of views, *yay thanks guys* so I am officially turning this into a series. Quote of the moment, or something like that. Hope you like them and find inspiring. This one is from the Shawn Mendes song "Kid in Love" and I just thought it was really sweet and captured the moment x

Friday, 22 January 2016

You know the lids about to blow, when those Thunderbirds are go....

Hey, so I thought it was about time I did another "what I listen to" post. My tastes have changed once again, but I am still loving some of the old stuff I listen to, just with a few new entry's!

Life of the party - Shawn Mendes
    I only just discovered this guy, previously only recognising his name from when The Vamps murdered that Simon and Garfunkel song.
    But actually his songs are really sweet and surprisingly catchy!

Obviously - McFly
    I never used to listen to McFly when they were big but there are a few of their songs that I listen to now, including this one, All about you, Star girl.... this one is really, really cute, but funny as well, I couldn't get that one bite out my head!
    She has a boyfriend
he drives me round the bend
'cause he's 23
he's in the marines
he'd kill me....

Thunderbirds are go - Busted
    Need I say more. Completely awesome. All the little references, like "They always look so cool, spaceship coming out the pool"!! I am kinda obsessed....

Can't sleep love - Pentatonix
    Anyone who hasn't heard of Pentatonix, go search them up right now, cause they are crazy amazing! This is one of the tracks off their first album - listen out for when Mitch is like, "yeah"!

Lost boy - Ruth B
    The word is plain beautiful....

Burning Love - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Elvis Presley
    Make's you want to have been alive in the 50's!

(I can't) Forget about you - R5
    I got introduced to this band by my cousins and originally I thought it was terrible, but you know it has grown on me, and this song is pretty funny!
So just a quick music update, nothing special but I hope you enjoyed and that your playlist just got a tiny bit cooler and a whole lot more diverse! Millie X

Friday, 15 January 2016

Give me your hand and I'll hold it. Birdy.

An interesting idea for old Hama beads

Hi guys, just a quick lil craft post today, admittedly this idea isn't originally mine - I stumbled across it on the internet - but I tried it and it was just too good not to post, so here we are!
Now, you probably don't have a load of old Hama beads around your house, unless you live with someone under 10, but I do and I used to use them as well, so we have 2 whole boxes of the things.

All you need:
Hama beads or any other plastic beads with holes in the centre....
Headphones or earphones
Penknife or craft knife
A sensible, safety head

How to make:
Basically all you do is - very carefully - cut a slit in one side of the bead. Always be careful to keep your fingers out the way and if you are not sure you can be trusted to cut safely ask someone who can to do it for you! Then slide the bead onto the wire that connects the headphones to the jack!
    There are so many different colour combinations your could try, you could even go all the way up the wire to the top in one crazy rainbow of beads!! I went for a more sedate (!) approach just using my absolute favourite colours and some greys and whites.

....and yep that is a cake stand in the photo before you ask! Millie X

Monday, 11 January 2016

10 utterly random things....

So, hmmm, 10 things, harder then it sounds! I think I will just do random thoughts and such, OK, deep breath, plunge straight in, here goes....

1. If I was the 8th dwarf my name would probably be clumsy, sleepy#2 or random or even maybe ihaveabsolutelynoideawhatiamdoingherethisisafairytaleforgoodnesssake........
  What would your "8thdwarf" name be?

2. There is no other name for a camel but Ermentrude. I mean isn't that just great!!

3. A baby echidna is called a puggle! Search up pictures - they are absolutely adorable!

4. My voice must be really hard to understand or I mumble or something because the other day I was watching Narnia, Prince Caspian with a friend and I said "he's creepy" about Caspian's uncle and she thought I said "he has a great beard"!! I obviously did NOT say that, but it was weird anyway!!

5. Surely Cinderella could have picked up her shoe before the prince caught her up??

6. My movie and TV taste is really weird....some of my favourite things to watch are:The Voice (Ok this one is obvious), The Next Step, Breakfast at Tiffanys (Probably not expected!) Thunderbirds (Umm what?!), full length ballets, We bought a zoo (this is one of my favourite movies of all time and I could probably recite parts to you!!)....the list continues, long into the night....

7. Never wear sheer, green no less, tights on a rainy day. It is a very stupid idea....

8. It is much easier to persuade yourself to go for a run if it is sunny and you will ALWAYS I mean ALWAYS feel better for pulling your self off the sofa afterwards!

9. You probably shouldn't sing a remix of Kaiser Chiefs album Education, Education, Education, War to yourself whilst walking down your road as passing strangers will think you are just a bit weird??!!

10. And finally.... wait no I've run outta things to say, apart from this one thing - I would rather be at Hogwarts....

If you post your own 10 things, please tell me in the comments, I would love to have a look! Millie X

Fairydancer8's 10 things

So just in case you don't know 10 things is a series I started, only did one post and then invited Jess from Fairydancer8 to do with me. Basically we post 10 things about literally anything-simples.
We will be re-posting each others so to kick start here is Jess's first 10 things post:
    Click on the link to reach Jess's blog

Fairydancer8: 10 things!: Hey, so I've decided that flower power has not been working out so from now on I will be starting a new series called 10 things!! So ten things that I've done this week or ten things that people have said to me this week etc, BUT there is a twist, communally me and another blogger (called 'The Stylish Purple Elephant') have decided to post each other's 10 things on each other's blogs so not only will you see mine BUT you can have the pleasure of reading the other bloggers 10 things as well!! So here you are , the first  ever 10 things ( on my blog any way!) :


-Homework, I mean if you wouldn't then your strange or love homework which is also strange!


-Queuing, I spent a 1 hour queuing for shoes! WHY?!

-Odd socks, I mean WHY OH WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT!!

-Rubix cubes, how can anyone do them?!

-Flip flops, I can never walk in them and if I try I fall over!

-Shoe laces, one bow is always bigger than the other and when you try to sort it out you just end up undoing it!

-The rain, I know it sounds stupid but with out the rain it would be sunny! (For once!)

-Mondays because on Sunday you are always upset because you know that the next day is Monday which either means work or school!

-Lasagne, you might love it but I HATE IT!
I hoped you enjoyed that! The other bloggers post will be up on my blog soon so bye for now!

I will also be posting soon, so see you then! Millie X

Thursday, 7 January 2016

A little rant about the weather

Don't read if it is sunny where you live because you will just laugh at our misfortune....
    Whilst I was doing biology this morning I suddenly heard some birds tweeting away and looked out the window. I had a poetic moment, because it was actually NOT RAINING for once!!
    I thought ok I must go for a run after lunch. So all was well, until 10 minutes later the rain started again. It went on like this for most of the morning and as it has been doing all week, no YEAR!
    Our kitchen has windows in three walls, so when the sun goes behind a cloud, the light changes dramatically and suddenly goes all dark and gloomy (when the lights are off). It did this while we were having lunch, but then instead of the sun coming out again, it started hailing.... very loudly.
    From ok to bad to absolutely awful in the space of half an hour. They were the size of peas and looked like perfectly miniature ping-pong balls. It only lasted a minute or two but soon the grass was covered with them and if you did that thing where you squint your eyes and look at it with your head tilted, then it just sort-of, just sort-of looked like snow. Until you opened you eyes properly it was awesome. But then I had to open my eyes and all the hail did was put a stop to any intentions of going outside and made us all feel like lighting the fire. The only person who seemed pleased by this un-welcome interlude was my lil' sister who instantly said "I'm going out to crunchle it!". What does crunchle even mean??!!
    But now it is sunny again and once more I am thinking of going outside, but then again I will probably get halfway down the lane and get caught in a blizzard or something.
    The best thing about this manic weather is the photo opportunities it provides and today was no exception! I rather like the way the hail got captured mid air and there are all these teeny white splodges! Very technical term that - splodges - because I am obviously very professional....!!

See you tomorrow when hopefully you might just be lucky and get something a bit more cheerful to read! Hoping for sun.... Millie X

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Lip scrub DIY and review

Don't you just hate January weather? Rain, getting up in the morning and get this: it's still dark, Rain, having tea and guess what: it's dark again, Rain, not wanting to go running because: it's dark.... Winter is not in my good books (unless there is snow or you are inside by the fire with movies).

Another thing that I am having trouble with at the moment is dry lips. Anyone else get this?
It is insanely annoying, not to mention painful and looks hideous! To help fight against the evils of dry lips, I use a ton of lip cream and such but this only really helps prevent more happening. What has already invaded my personal space is harder to get rid of. To get rid of flaky bits I use a lip scrub and THEN apply a layer of gloss or protective cream. I don't recommend using a scrub regularly in case of damaging your mouth with constant rubbing but when in need this is a good way of stopping
flaky-ness and making perfectly smooth lips. Wait does smooth lips sound weird?

I never used to use lip scrub until I was given one. It was a LUSH bubble gum lip scrub and I tried it, not because I needed to but because it smelled SO nice!! I didn't use it again though, it basically just sat on my shelf for a while until I actually needed it! Now I use it and it is amazing! I will recommend to anyone in need of a lip scrub and don't trust my advice below on making your own!
All opinions and pictures are my own.

You can just make a cheap one for yourself using ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard + it is so easy + works just as well as a shop bought one!

You will need:

Olive Oil

How to make:

1. Put a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl. This is the grainy bit that will scrub your lips.
2. Cover with Olive Oil, this is to moisturise your lips and stop them from drying out, so don't add to much, just enough to cover the sugar. The mixture should not be too liquidy.
3. Now add a dribble of honey  to stick the mixture together.
4. If you want now  is the time to add flavouring. Peppermint extract, lemon, vanilla extract are all cool ideas but my favourite one by far is adding a small bit of coco powder. This will smell gorgeous!

Change the quantity's of ingredients you use by how much you want to make. I think doing it by eye is sometimes the best. It will keep in a cold place for a fairly long time, so you could make one big batch to last until spring comes once again and thaws our flaking lips.... drama queen!

Pouring into small containers and giving away as presents is a cute idea and people will certainly be grateful at this time of year! Tie a little ribbon round the top or create a personalised sticky label!
Now hopefully we can fight a bit better against the evil of dry lips (forever the drama queen!)!
Millie X

Monday, 4 January 2016

Goodbye for another year

"there always a time in the year when you are happy at the beginning and sad at the end".
That is how Jess from Fairydancer8 described Christmas, in her post on taking down the Christmas decorations. The sad bit is that it makes you realise that Christmas is another whole year away.
We took our Christmas decorations down yesterday and I may be being overly dramatic here, but it makes you feel like nothing nice will ever happen again. Wow that was gloomy.

On top of that all school work started up again. I'm a real ray of sunshine today aren't I?!
Millie X

Sunday, 3 January 2016

10 things that I noticed this week

Hi guys, I am starting a new series - 10 things. 10 things I noticed, 10 pictures I took, 10 books....
you get the gist. Today it's 10 things I noticed this week (written with the help of Jess, Hi there!).

1. Rain. BOOM. Just putting that out there, though it's kinda obvious. Look out the window guys.

2. Why on earth does only half the muffin ever cook?  And then the rest is burnt anyway. Lose, Lose.

3. Putting up a new calendar just makes 2016 seem more real.

4. What can I do to make my house plant not die?

5. Scented pencils never actually smell like they are supposed to?

6. The excitement when you find a book that has your name in it!

7. The best screen saver is obviously a cartoon sloth. I mean why not?

8. How much I am in love with stationery shops!

9. Shockproof phone cases aren't actually shockproof.

10. A movie isn't a movie when watched without marshmallows.

Let me know if you think this series will take off! What would your 10 things be? Millie x

Friday, 1 January 2016

Keeping those New Year resolutions

So many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year and then forget/give up by June.
I for one am guilty of this! Mainly we set ourselves too hard, seemingly impossible tasks to achieve. Here are some tips to help them seem more achievable:

1. Don't set yourself too hard challenges in the first place!

2. If there is one really big thing you want to do, like getting fitter or quitting something, then just focus on that one thing and don't make loads of other resolutions in case you get side-tracked.

3. Believe you can do it. That sounds cheesy but a lot of the time the reason why people give up is because they start off thinking it is impossible and they will never be able to do it. If you follow the advice of the first 2 tips and then believe you will be able to do it.

4. Break it down into smaller steps working up to the original resolution. If you said you would workout everyday, then start of by working out three times a week, adding on another day each fortnight? Within 10 weeks you will have reached your goal.

5. To make you keep to this smaller steps method, write down on your calendar each day you are going to do it, then stick a gold star or something next to each day you manage. Adapt this method to what ever your resolution is.

6. Don't give up at small things

7. Tell friends and family so they can help you to achieve this.

8. Obviously this isn't going to work with everybody but I hope it helps somebody! Remember, you have to really want it and stick to it. Good luck!

So here we are again - HAPPY NEW YEAR

Another year over, a new one just begun. I wonder what is going to happen this year?
 Happy New Year Everyone, hope it's a good one!!
Thinking up resolutions that are difficult but that I actually might have a hope of achieving is always hard, but this year I have absolutely no idea.... what are your resolutions for next year?
This is what I have managed to come up with:
Blog regularly Obvious but worth putting on this list anyway, in the hope that I do it!
Try not to break my phone This one is a bit silly, but I'm serious!
Cook more I mean make dinner by myself, cause I can do it but I don't.
Take a run or at least a walk everyday This one should be achievable if I set myself a specific time of day to do it. This would be a good achievement but I can see it will end up being on everyday that I don't dance, which will be 4 out of 7 days.... still a good achievement but not what I was hoping.
Dance better I am not sure if I can just tell myself to do this and it will work, but I will try!
So after saying I can't think of any, I have come up with a few that I think I might be able to do!
Hope you all have a good 2016 and thanks to everyone who read my blog last year, hope you stay with me this year as well! If you are new to this bit of internet, hi, welcome, pleased to meet you, keep reading, I would love to hear from you in the comments! Millie x