So, hmmm, 10 things, harder then it sounds! I think I will just do random thoughts and such, OK, deep breath, plunge straight in, here goes....
1. If I was the 8th dwarf my name would probably be clumsy, sleepy#2 or random or even maybe ihaveabsolutelynoideawhatiamdoingherethisisafairytaleforgoodnesssake........
What would your "8thdwarf" name be?
2. There is no other name for a camel but Ermentrude. I mean isn't that just great!!
3. A baby echidna is called a puggle! Search up pictures - they are absolutely adorable!
4. My voice must be really hard to understand or I mumble or something because the other day I was watching Narnia, Prince Caspian with a friend and I said "he's creepy" about Caspian's uncle and she thought I said "he has a great beard"!! I obviously did NOT say that, but it was weird anyway!!
5. Surely Cinderella could have picked up her shoe before the prince caught her up??
6. My movie and TV taste is really weird....some of my favourite things to watch are:The Voice (Ok this one is obvious), The Next Step, Breakfast at Tiffanys (Probably not expected!) Thunderbirds (Umm what?!), full length ballets, We bought a zoo (this is one of my favourite movies of all time and I could probably recite parts to you!!)....the list continues, long into the night....
7. Never wear sheer, green no less, tights on a rainy day. It is a very stupid idea....
8. It is much easier to persuade yourself to go for a run if it is sunny and you will ALWAYS I mean ALWAYS feel better for pulling your self off the sofa afterwards!
9. You probably shouldn't sing a remix of Kaiser Chiefs album Education, Education, Education, War to yourself whilst walking down your road as passing strangers will think you are just a bit weird??!!
10. And finally.... wait no I've run outta things to say, apart from this one thing - I would rather be at Hogwarts....
If you post your own 10 things, please tell me in the comments, I would love to have a look! Millie X